Millions Can Hardly Get By In Full Employment America By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – Especially if compared to barely alive, anemic Europe, America’s GDP and employment...
Regulations Kill Enterprise Small companies close down, while very few new ones are created. This is the slow death of capitalism WASHINGTON – Jim Tankersley reports in The Washington Post, (May 23, 2016), that “The recovery from the Great Recession has...
Unhappy Americans Look for Culprits Many voters believe that outsiders will deliver prosperity WASHINGTON – The most visible impact of “The Great Stagnation” , (the title of Tyler Cowen’s book provides a good...
Aldous Huxley: The Political Candidate Sold On TV As Deodorant With the advent of TV no more truth aabout anything WASHINGTON – “Three years before Kennedy’s inauguration, Aldous Huxley argued in Brave New World Revisited that the modern methods...
China Worries Fostered By Unreliable Government Data Analysts tend to think the worst when something unusual happens WASHINGTON – What’s going on in the Chinese economy? Nobody knows, really. We get bits and pieces; but not...
How Much Unemployment in China? Assumimg more people out of work, at some point this becomes a political issue WASHINGTON – The WSJ just had a front page story on China, focusing on factory closings, jobs losses, strikes and...
WSJ To Pope Francis: Our Prosperity Stems From Freedom Freedom is at the foundation of America's wealth. And freedom is given to all men by God WASHINGTON – Here is how The Wall Street Journal, the unofficial protector of American capitalism, greets Pope Francis on...
A Very Weak American Economy While the US economy remains very fragile, the presidential campaign is about "anchor babies" WASHINGTON – The slow but steady decline of the US economy should be the main theme of this unfolding...
Ukraine On The Verge Of Collapse In a WSJ piece President Poroshenko focuses only on reforms and progress WASHINGTON – Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko recently authored an upbeat op-ed piece for the WSJ in which he painted...
China Dumping Excess Steel China has created enormous over capacity. It is now selling its products below cost to the rest of the world WASHINGTON – In a “normal” capitalistic country, when supply expansion strategies in any given industry exceed market demand, the companies...