This Is Not The Way To Fight a War by Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — If we look at the whole Ukraine drama, the US did not...
Humiliated Putin Doubles Down in Ukraine: Expect a Long War by Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON – The surprise pre-Christmas visit to Washington by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, with...
A Diminished America Cannot Win In Ukraine by Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON– Looking at the ongoing war in Ukraine, the most optimistic assessment is that...
Will Washington Give Arms To Ukraine? The U.S. Government is reviewing options that would include giving the Ukrainians Javelin anti-tank missiles and more WASHINGTON – Back in February 2014, right after a popular rebellion ousted pro-Russian President Viktor Yanucovych, this way taking...
Ukraine Should Accept Defeat, Focus On Its Economy The futile attempt to resist Russia's aggression is simply ruining the country, with no gain WASHINGTON – The Ukraine story of brave pro-democracy forces resisting Russian aggression has turned into a horrible mess that...
Ukraine On The Verge Of Collapse In a WSJ piece President Poroshenko focuses only on reforms and progress WASHINGTON – Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko recently authored an upbeat op-ed piece for the WSJ in which he painted...
Finally Kiev Admits Defeat The Eastern Provinces now controlled by the rebels will get major autonomies. This means de facto independence WASHINGTON – The net outcome of the Minsk (Belarus) negotiations about the future of Eastern Ukraine is that Ukrainian President...
Time For Kiev To Give Up Eastern Ukraine It is not easy to admit defeat and allow an agressor to win. But Ukraine, without weapons and short of cash, has no choice WASHINGTON – In a more civilized world the rights of the very large ethnic Russian minority in Eastern Ukraine...
Kiev Should Admit That the War In The East Is Lost Arming Ukraine will not help resolve this conflict WASHINGTON – The now chronic crisis in Eastern Ukraine is getting worse. The cease-fire did not work. The Russia-backed...
Sudden Vacancy At The Pentagon Highlights Policy Confusion America needs to find agreement on national security priorities. But this is difficult, given the poisoned political climate WASHINGTON – Former Senator Chuck Hagel, a fairly liberal Republican from Nebraska is no longer US Secretary of Defense. Several media...