First Comes Growth Then New Jobs in our politically correct word jobs can be willed into place, whatever the economic fundamentals WASHINGTON – Every day I walk by a giant banner hanging from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce imposing building...
Italian Prime Minister Talking Nonsense When wishful thinking becomes farce WASHINGTON – Yes, there is something to be said about optimistic political leaders who inspire their people to hang...
Living In A False Data World Authoritarian governments produce fake statistics that further political goals WASHINGTON – We are used to hear that we live in a “data driven” world. Thanks to ICT and...
US GDP Down – Where Is The Consumer? Millions of Americans earn too little. There is only so much they caan buy on credit WASHINGTON – Was the low US 0.7 % GDP growth figure for the last quarter of 2015 just a...
“The Economist” Mocking China Front page illustraation showing a scared dragon going downhill while a disheveled President Xi tries to stay on the saddle WASHINGTON – It is no surprise that The Economist‘s cover this week is about China. The Shanghai Stock Market...
Fed Unclear On Future Rate Increases Will it continue raising rates? May be not. The US recovery is fragile and the global economy is getting worse WASHINGTON – At last, the US Federal Reserve decided to put an end to the abnormally long period of...
How Much Unemployment in China? Assumimg more people out of work, at some point this becomes a political issue WASHINGTON – The WSJ just had a front page story on China, focusing on factory closings, jobs losses, strikes and...
After The French Vote, Is This The End Of Europe? The victory at the polls of the French National Front is a heavy blow for any European integration agenda WASHINGTON – The triumph at the polls for French regional elections of the right-wing National Front led by Marine...
Italian Dreams Prime Minister Renzi indicated that, with a 0.7% growth, Italy is once again a locomotive WASHINGTON – Hope springs eternal. Yes, but when Matteo Renzi, the Prime Minister of Italy, a country in slow...
Will The Fed Raise Interest Rates? May Be Not New headwinds suggest no action in December WASHINGTON – Until a couple of days ago, most economists bet that the US Federal Reserve would finally begin to...