Vivek Ramaswamy Is Running For Prophet in Chief By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — Vivek Ramaswamy is an accomplished, self-made rich American. He made money in...
Win-Win Globalization Was a Dream By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — On February 24, at the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine,...
Biden Tough On China By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – A recent White House Executive Order put all American investors on notice....
The Tragedy Of The Uneducated Poor in America The poor cannot get a good education. And so, they stay poor WASHINGTON – Much has been said about the “crisis” of American public education. Indeed, if we look at the...
First Comes Growth Then New Jobs in our politically correct word jobs can be willed into place, whatever the economic fundamentals WASHINGTON – Every day I walk by a giant banner hanging from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce imposing building...
Regulations Kill Enterprise Small companies close down, while very few new ones are created. This is the slow death of capitalism WASHINGTON – Jim Tankersley reports in The Washington Post, (May 23, 2016), that “The recovery from the Great Recession has...
Public Assistance Is A Curse FDR long time ago warned that depedance on relief is just like taking drugs WASHINGTON – “Continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To...
Unhappy Americans Look for Culprits Many voters believe that outsiders will deliver prosperity WASHINGTON – The most visible impact of “The Great Stagnation” , (the title of Tyler Cowen’s book provides a good...
Hillary Clinton Will Ban Fracking -Less Energy For America If elected President, she will restrict most hydraulic fracturing activities WASHINGTON – When it comes to America’s energy needs and viable alternatives to fossil fuels, it looks as if...
Maersk Warning About Global Slow Down – Recession In the US? Trade flows have been reduced. The worst since 2008 WASHINGTON – Maersk, (based in Denmark) is the largest shipping conglomerate in the world. Their business is to transport...