In Ukraine (and Elsewhere) Russia and Friends Will Win by Default By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON — It is a sign of our troubled times that the much delayed...
US Fiscal Irresponsibility Will Lead to Bankruptcy WASHINGTON – The Democrats in Congress and Republican President Donald Trump agree practically on nothing. Therefore, it is impossible...
America Needs Ballistic Missiles Defenses It is possible to kill incoming Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. But the U.S. needs massive investments in promising technologies WASHINGTON – The news of North Korea’s successful test of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, ICBM), a missile that could...
Trump’s Remarks On NATO WASHINGTON – Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made headlines in Europe when he declared that America would intervene to...
America’s Systemic Economic And Fiscal Problems Undermine US Foreign Policy Over time, a weak economy and a worsening national debt will make it difficult to be taken seriously WASHINGTON – What’s the connection between President Obama not authorizing the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline linking...
UK Will Lead A New NATO Rapid Reaction Force – Should Putin Take Notice? This is a small development that does not change the basic dynamic of reduced defense spending across the board WASHINGTON – As a response to Putin’s aggression in Ukraine, NATO will do…well, not much. Most of the reactions so...
Putin Loses The Ukraine, But He Gets To Keep The Crimea – Happy Ending? Russia takes a calculated risk because it sees America as powerless. By Paolo von Schirach March 1, 2014 WASHINGTON – Let me give you my ultra simplified assessment of what...
“Ich Bin Ein Berliner”, (JFK, 1963). “F***k The EU”, Victoria Nuland, US Assistant Secretary Of State For European Affairs, 2014 Once Allies because of necessity, Europe and America are now almost strangers By Paolo von Schirach February 9, 2014 WASHINGTON – There was a time in which Europe was –with cause–...
Major US Corporations Are Buying Trucks Powered By Liquefied Natural Gas – Much Cheaper Than Diesel This change is part of a broader energy revolution caused by natural gas. Trucks powered by LNG will mean reduced oil imports, billions of dollars saved and enhanced energy security By Paolo von Schirach October 30, 2013 WASHINGTON – A recent lead story in the MARKETPLACE section of The Wall...
On Syria, Timid West Offers Embarrassing Spectacle Obama may "do something" in the end. But it is clear that there is no determination. A political way out? By Paolo von Schirach Related story: August 29, 2013 WASHINGTON – I recently argued that America is in no mood...