US Fiscal Irresponsibility Will Lead to Bankruptcy WASHINGTON – The Democrats in Congress and Republican President Donald Trump agree practically on nothing. Therefore, it is impossible...
No Serious Discussion About Entitlement Reform In The U.S. Posturing and grand standing hide the simple fact that no one in Washington wants to touch federal entitlements WASHINGTON – Much has been said about the first Trump budget recently released. The expected partisan critiques –in fact...
US Economy and Public Finances Deteriorating – Candidates Talk About Something Else The economic foundations are fragile, while the deficit will start growing again. No plan to change any of this WASHINGTON – While we wait with trepidation for the outcome of the Iowa caucuses that will finally begin to...
Can We Find Decent People To Fix Our Democracies? Going for populists with easy answers is a bad idea WASHINGTON – Democracy and free markets anyone? By this I mean opting for a real republican government with fair...
Capitalism In Peril? Dangerous public policies have undermined the pillars of the free market system WASHINGTON – In a well crafted WSJ op-piece (The World-Wide Undermining of Free Markets, August 11, 2015), financial adviser...
The Republicans Must Articulate A Message Of Growth And Expanded Opportunity Improve public education. Give tools, not endless subsidies, to the poor WASHINGTON – I just read a long and detailed analysis written by a well-known conservative political commentator. The focus...
The Real Problem With Welfare Is Dependence, Not Cost People accustomed to receiving public assiatnce lack the motivation to face any challenge on their own WASHINGTON – The standard argument in favor of the welfare state and its multiple entitlement programs is that modern, relatively...
US: Big Problems Require Long Term Solutions The political process mostly rewards quick fixes WASHINGTON – America is slowly getting into its political campaign mode. The 2016 presidential elections are getting closer; even though,...
The US National Debt Just Passed The $ 18 Trillion Mark — And Nobody Cares A large and growing debt does not represent an immediate threat. But it weakens the nation. Look at Italy, or Japan WASHINGTON – With almost no comment by national leaders, major media, economists, financial analysts or federal budget experts, the...
We Should Fight Poverty By Teaching Skills, Says Paul Ryan In A New Book The Republican Party should reach out to the poor by supporting programs that teach both skills and personal responsibility. Give people hope through real opportunity WASHINGTON – The conventional wisdom is that the Republican Party has no message for the poor and marginalized in...