Can Washington Borrow and Spend Without Limit? By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON – Parts of the US are still suffering from the devastating consequences of...
Overleveraged America has no Plan B WASHINGTON – Is America once again at the edge of some catastrophic event that will cause economic misery? Not...
How The US Fed Damaged The American Economy Too many years of zero interest rates caused a stock market bubble WASHINGTON – I indicated a while back that whoever would be elected President of the United States on November...
Sinking Japan Keeps Adding To The National Debt Japan has no trouble selling 30 year bonds at a nominal interest rate WASHINGTON – As we Americans watch with growing concern our crazy presidential elections politics, other crazy things are happening...
Maersk Warning About Global Slow Down – Recession In the US? Trade flows have been reduced. The worst since 2008 WASHINGTON – Maersk, (based in Denmark) is the largest shipping conglomerate in the world. Their business is to transport...
Fed Unclear On Future Rate Increases Will it continue raising rates? May be not. The US recovery is fragile and the global economy is getting worse WASHINGTON – At last, the US Federal Reserve decided to put an end to the abnormally long period of...
Will The Fed Raise Interest Rates? May Be Not New headwinds suggest no action in December WASHINGTON – Until a couple of days ago, most economists bet that the US Federal Reserve would finally begin to...
Thanks To The Central Banks, The Equity Bubble Is Getting Bigger Governments are not engaging in serious economic policy reforms. Central bankers keep pumping in more liquidity. What will happen next? WASHINGTON – Imagine this. There are lots of chronically sick patients in the hospital. Many of them are deteriorating...
David Stockman: We Are Losing Manufacturing Jobs Higher employment is due mostly to growth in the services sectors, mostly health care and the food industry WASHINGTON – In his Contra Corner blog David Stockman (Budget Director under Ronald Reagan) has been warning us that...
Capitalism In Peril? Dangerous public policies have undermined the pillars of the free market system WASHINGTON – In a well crafted WSJ op-piece (The World-Wide Undermining of Free Markets, August 11, 2015), financial adviser...