U.S. Surrender In Afghanistan By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – The historic news is buried in short articles inside major newspapers. If...
North Korea Will Never Give Up Its Nuclear Weapons Kim presides over a semi-failed state with no economy. His nuclear arsenal is his only real asset WASHINGTON – The sudden White House announcement about a May Summit meeting between US President Donald Trump and...
Afghanistan Among The Most Corrupt Countries In The World This war-torn country tops the Transparency International Corruption list. Massive amounts of foreign aid made things worse WASHINGTON – Remember Afghanistan? Yes, that sorry nation in Asia, sandwiched between Iran and Pakistan. Presidential candidate Barack Obama,...
Obama’s “Power Africa” Initiative Never Took Off Major investments in power generation did not happen. Too much bureaucracy WASHINGTON – Anybody who knows sub-Saharan Africa will tell you that the main obstacle to additional economic growth is...
Does Obama Mean Business Against ISIL? There is a huge gap between stated goals and military means WASHINGTON – A few days ago, after President Obama via a prime time TV address had announced America’s goal...
Clinton Is Reinventing Herself As A Hawk – Yet America Is Broke Whatever politicians may say about a more muscular foreign policy, the reality is that there is no money to fund it WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton is doing her best to distance herself from the hesitant and timid foreign policy pursued by...
Power Africa? Great Idea, Poor Execution This ambitious power generation program assumed good coordination between the US Government, the private sector and African insititutions WASHINGTON – The same Obama administration that produced the messy Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare), and the totally mismanaged Department of...
The Iraq Crisis Proves That America Needs Better Intelligence and A Truly Bipartisan Foreign Policy The US needs a definition of the national interest that both parties can endorse. Right now foreign policy is just another tool to discredit your opponent WASHINGTON – Beyond the severity of the crisis, there are at least two things emerging out of the Iraq debacle...
As America Was Distracted, Iraq Descended Into Chaos It is in Washington's national security interest to re-establish peace and stability in Iraq. Prompt action required WASHINGTON – With the benefit of hindsight we are all geniuses. Still, it would not have been too difficult...
Putin’s “Isolation” Ended – President Poroshenko Should Realize That Eastern Ukraine Is Lost America and Europe will help Ukraine on the economy. They will not lift a finger to protect its territorial integrity WASHINGTON – National Security Advisor Susan Rice said a few days ago in a TV interview that the goal of...