Good Values at the Root of Utah’s Success By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – A recent article pointed out how, year after year, Utah is on...
The New Immigrants And America’s Future Identity America needs real citizens, not just economic immigrants WASHINGTON – We now know that the Australian government is openly concerned that unless it can manage its immigration...
How Do We Turn Immigrants Into Citizens? The emotional debate is about the deportation of illegal immigrants. But we shoud think about how we help them to become Americans WASHINGTON – Sadly, in the midst of so many strident polemics about what should be done regarding millions of illegal immigrants...
At The Root Of the Hong Kong Protests: Economic Prosperity Is Founded On Political Freedom Hong Kong people want real democracy. China wants to control Hong Kong politics WASHINGTON – Will the Hong Kong protesters demanding true democratic elections for the special status territory win in the end?...
A Viable Democracy Is Premised On Shared Values – America Is Losing Its Ethos, Egypt and Thailand Never Got Theirs Democracies are founded on shared principles regarding the purposes of government and about honorable conduct among those who participate in the political process WASHINGTON – What’s the connection between a nasty campaign for a US Senate seat in Oregon, the failures of the...