French President Macron: “Europe Can Die” by Paolo von Schirach– WASHINGTON — In an April 25 speech at The Sorbonne focused on security issues French...
How We Will Win Against China By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – In America and more broadly in the West we have come (belatedly)...
US Enacted Sanctions Against Russia Washington-Moscow relations at a low point; is there any common ground left between the two nuclear powers? WASHINGTON – It should not come as a surprise that Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to retaliate in kind, after...
America Cut Funds to Syrian Rebels CIA managed operation produced meager results, will come to an end WASHINGTON – After the fall of Aleppo, I concluded that the Syrian opposition to Assad had been essentially defeated....
A United Front Against Russia? Not Really Just days after the G 7 meeting, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi welcomed Putin to Italy WASHINGTON – Just a few days ago the G 7 Leaders, assembled in Germany for their annual meeting, discussed...
Ukraine On The Verge Of Collapse In a WSJ piece President Poroshenko focuses only on reforms and progress WASHINGTON – Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko recently authored an upbeat op-ed piece for the WSJ in which he painted...
While The US Protests, China Keeps Building Bases In The South China Sea There is no way that the US will risk a military confrontation in order to force China to give up its claims WASHINGTON – China decided that America is in a (probably irreversible) phase of global retreat. Whatever the rhetoric about...
Tsipras Goes To Moscow The Greek Prime Minister wants us to know that he looks at Vladimir Putin as a good friend WASHINGTON – Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras thought that it was a good idea to pay a visit to...
Finally Kiev Admits Defeat The Eastern Provinces now controlled by the rebels will get major autonomies. This means de facto independence WASHINGTON – The net outcome of the Minsk (Belarus) negotiations about the future of Eastern Ukraine is that Ukrainian President...
Time For Kiev To Give Up Eastern Ukraine It is not easy to admit defeat and allow an agressor to win. But Ukraine, without weapons and short of cash, has no choice WASHINGTON – In a more civilized world the rights of the very large ethnic Russian minority in Eastern Ukraine...