Unhappy Americans Look for Culprits Many voters believe that outsiders will deliver prosperity WASHINGTON – The most visible impact of “The Great Stagnation” , (the title of Tyler Cowen’s book provides a good...
China’s Victory In The South China Sea By occupying various islands, China extended its territorial waters and exclusive economic zone WASHINGTON – China’s “peaceful rise” recently took a new, openly aggressive turn. Without any hesitation, China now claims sovereignty over the...
Asia’s Slowdown Will Affect America’s Growth No lift for US exporters from Asian demand WASHINGTON – Can America count on buoyant global demand to drive more US exports, and therefore more sustained growth...
America Needs Structural Reforms No sensible policy proposals. Politicians are afraid to deliver bad news WASHINGTON – There is no doubt that millions of Americans are economically worse off because of the negative impact...
America Creates Many New Jobs However, most of them are low-paying or part time. Wages are still low. Is there a way out of this? WASHINGTON – In 2014 the US added 2.95 million new jobs, the best year since 1999 when America added 3...
The World Does Not Like Obama’s America Anti Americanism declined when Obama took office in 2009. But now it is again on the rise WASHINGTON – The main international relations promise made by newly inaugurated President Barack Obama back in January 2009 was...
Chinese Experts Say That China Needs A Lot More Natural Gas – Not Renewables The focus is on cost effective alternatives to coal. And it is natural gas, not solar or wind By Paolo von Schirach February 17, 2014 WASHINGTON – In the often schizoid US national debate on energy issues...
If Solar Power Became Affordable, Developing Countries Would Be Transformed Lack of electricity is the main barrier to development. Building power plants and transmission lines is very expensive. Solar would generate power even in remote villages WASHINGTON – When it comes to electric power generation and distribution, in developed countries we are used to this...
Underneath China’s Still Impressive 7.5% Growth There Is A Mountain Of Debt Local governments essentially insolvent. Many large corporation kept alive by easy loans, while small ones issue promissory notes By Paolo von Schirach August 28, 2013 WASHINGTON – The official news about China is that the number two...
Can China Fix Its Environmental Disaster? Enormous sums will be spent; yet it may be too late. Lower economic growth will have political consequences By Paolo von Schirach August 11, 2013 WASHINGTON – China is indeed “The World’s Worst Polluter“, as The Economist newsmagazine...