A Russia-Saudi Arabia Oil Production Cut Deal? If this happened, crude prices would jump WASHINGTON – Saudi Arabia and Russia are the leading world oil producers and exporters. Energy Ministers from both countries...
Forget About Assad – America Should Focus on Fighting ISIL The Islamic State is the biggest threat WASHINGTON – What are Obama’s options regarding an American “Syria Policy” aimed at supporting the emergence of a democratic...
US Troops In Syria? A few Spcial Ops troops on the ground indicate nothing WASHINGTON – What do we make of the announcement by the Obama administration about its decision to send about...
Ukraine Should Accept Defeat, Focus On Its Economy The futile attempt to resist Russia's aggression is simply ruining the country, with no gain WASHINGTON – The Ukraine story of brave pro-democracy forces resisting Russian aggression has turned into a horrible mess that...
A United Front Against Russia? Not Really Just days after the G 7 meeting, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi welcomed Putin to Italy WASHINGTON – Just a few days ago the G 7 Leaders, assembled in Germany for their annual meeting, discussed...
Tsipras Goes To Moscow The Greek Prime Minister wants us to know that he looks at Vladimir Putin as a good friend WASHINGTON – Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras thought that it was a good idea to pay a visit to...
Russia: Chechens Killed Boris Nemtsov. Really? Chechens may have killed him. But most likely someoone paid them to do this WASHINGTON – Regarding the recent assassination in Moscow of opposition politician Boris Nemtosv, supposedly now we know “the truth”. According...
Finally Kiev Admits Defeat The Eastern Provinces now controlled by the rebels will get major autonomies. This means de facto independence WASHINGTON – The net outcome of the Minsk (Belarus) negotiations about the future of Eastern Ukraine is that Ukrainian President...
Time For Kiev To Give Up Eastern Ukraine It is not easy to admit defeat and allow an agressor to win. But Ukraine, without weapons and short of cash, has no choice WASHINGTON – In a more civilized world the rights of the very large ethnic Russian minority in Eastern Ukraine...
Kiev Should Admit That the War In The East Is Lost Arming Ukraine will not help resolve this conflict WASHINGTON – The now chronic crisis in Eastern Ukraine is getting worse. The cease-fire did not work. The Russia-backed...